about me

about me

Photography was a part of my life for as long as I remember. I always loved taking photos, my goal was to take photos of active people, those with different passions. Being active helped me to meet many interesting peoples who constantly follow their dreams and search for new challengers. I loved to catch good frames of those kind od people since I was a teenager. Nothing has changed since then. I come from a small town in northern Poland but since 2008 I live on the suburbs od Stockholm. Almost from the beginning of my adventure with Sweden I was taking part on military and sport events.

On 2011 I started diving and as you can imagine this made me want to start underwater photography. Visiting many interesting places in Europe helped me to capture pictures of hundred of those who were taking part on variety activities especially underwater ones. I consider working in flooded mine „Aventyrsgruvan Tuna Hastberg” and diving on a very difficult shipwreck called Blucher in Norway as my small personal success.

In 2017 I started rock climbing, but just like with diving, I spent most time taking photos than climbing. Photography is a very important part and chapter of my life. I focus on learning new skills and developing what I have already mastered but most of all I can meet interesting and great individuals. I hope our paths wilk cross one day. See you soon under water, on rocks or on the air 🙂